So in the previous post I mentioned Soren -who is a stunningly nice red mini-rex buck. Well today he got joined by Oreo a really cute little Holand Lop (?) doe. She was dropped off here by somebody who asked me if I took in stray rabbits. I told them to take her to the shelter but they couldn't be bother and were going to dump her at the park as "rabbits can survive in the wild". So of course a space was found here for her. They don't know how old she is for sure -I'm guessing a year or two as she's very nice -and friendly. She's going to stay here till I can find her a new home or unless I grow too attached to her LOL. she's tangled with somebody at sometime as there is the sore on her ear.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Meet Soren and Oreo
So in the previous post I mentioned Soren -who is a stunningly nice red mini-rex buck. Well today he got joined by Oreo a really cute little Holand Lop (?) doe. She was dropped off here by somebody who asked me if I took in stray rabbits. I told them to take her to the shelter but they couldn't be bother and were going to dump her at the park as "rabbits can survive in the wild". So of course a space was found here for her. They don't know how old she is for sure -I'm guessing a year or two as she's very nice -and friendly. She's going to stay here till I can find her a new home or unless I grow too attached to her LOL. she's tangled with somebody at sometime as there is the sore on her ear.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Got fibre and Yarn
The answer is YES!!!!!! And new bunnies too. Back from the Fulton rabbit show yesterday -actually won a class with one of my meat rabbits - a6-8 American Chinchilla buck (rare breed but oh so pretty). And of course its not a good show unless a new bunny or two. Brough home a beautiful junior French angora buck -chestnut agouti from Joan Hastings and then aquired a stunning castor mini-rex buck for Jared to show. This fellow is soo quiet. He was going to be sold to the snake meat guy but I convinced the owner to let me take him instead. We are also going to use him as a therapy visit rabbit -he was so quiet when we clipped his nails and clipped one too short he just flinched -didn't jump or scream at all. Kids have named him "Soren" -I'll get a picture of him later on when he's had time to settle in.
But back to the main title -here's the latest yarns and angora fibre available from Cornerstone Fibres - makes you want to jump in and roll around it all :)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Can your kid lift 228lbs??
I'm all for resonsibility and for teaching my son the value of money. HOWEVER I cannot let my son haul this weeks load of newspapers alone- why??? Because it has a combined weight of 228lbs!!! This is our local weekly paper for cripes sakes -it alone weighs 5 ounces but add all the flyers and other junk and its 3.5lbs EACH bundle. This from a paper that is bragging how green they are going and how they are concious of the enviornment! Normally Jared carries them all in his delivery bag and we walk the route -not going to happen this time -mom is driving him to each street and we will take them in sections.
Glossy inserts, flyers for every store known to mankind and more junk!
I've complained to the paper and their response is he gets paid for it so big deal. Big deal is back and wrist injuries on an 11 year old. Not happening.
Java says "phoey on all the work i'm going to sleep on the couch"
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Okay I'm feeling brave

So I decided I really need to learn to knit better. So after some perusing on Ravelry I found this gorgeous little baby jacket called the "Baby Yoda Sweater". It was originally published in Dog Eats Yarn and was written by Cari Luna. If you search the site you can find the free pattern download -:
I have some beautiful colourful Maggies roving spun into a soft two ply so I'm going to give it a try. One of Daryl's co-workers is expecting their first baby in August so I even have somebody to give it to if it works out ;)
Its knit on two needles and then sewn together.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Counting down the days till Maryland
I'm so excited!! I'm going to Maryland and I'm driving my hubby nuts LOL. I'm so excited to go and see this spectacular fibre extravaganza. And best of all I get first peeks at Maggies fibre before anyone else (grin). I've never been to Maryland before and hear that the drive alone is spectacular. Maggie is allowing me the greatest pleasure in going with her and helping her out with her amazing stuff!!! We can't live here without her soap, handcreme (do not hide from hubby he will find it!!) my esscential Bundaflicka bag and her scrumtious roving. Can not wait!!!! And best of all Maggie has imformed me I'll be meeting some of the other amazing artists she talks about on her blog!!!!
I've been peeling bunnies all day so can now take a break and dream of more of Maggies fibre -I'm hoping to bribe her to swap some of my angora for another tote bag for my aunt who is coming to visit us from Holland this summer.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Kingston goes Green
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Back to school??
Okay so Monday its back to school -or is it?? We just found out today that the bus company that gets Jared to and from his literacy program and gets both kids to and from school could be on strike as of Monday!!! Yikes please pray this gets settled very quickly -the logisitics of driving two kids two different schools at different times can get very busy! Add in babysitting my niece and picking her brother at his school and ohhh the headaches.
I'm off to the barn now -the bunnies don't care about school -all they want is to be fed, petted and in Luke and Lokis case -girls LOTS of girls please LOL. They're just jealous cause Sam our stunning REW satin angora buck got to play with the girls this week. Luke if you could sweet talk Calypso with out getting torn up -she's all yours!
Peace all
I'm off to the barn now -the bunnies don't care about school -all they want is to be fed, petted and in Luke and Lokis case -girls LOTS of girls please LOL. They're just jealous cause Sam our stunning REW satin angora buck got to play with the girls this week. Luke if you could sweet talk Calypso with out getting torn up -she's all yours!
Peace all
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!!

Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into who you will be.
You were and always will be a part of me.
Youre growing so fast my mind still whirls at the thought
“What happened to my baby girl?”
You're 7 today – I've watched you change and evolve and grow,
I've clashed heads with you, held you to comfort you, laughed with you and cried both with and over you.
I never thought I would be a mom, and never thought of a little girl who would be so like me and yet so
You are you, unique, different and so very special.
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!
Love you always
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Chicken bone crisis passed -check out this new video we found
So we spent the night checking up on somebody who is very unrepentant and ungrateful. She woke up this morning bouncing and ready to play. Mommy just muttered where is hte hot tea and go away. Anyways while waiting for the crisis to pass I was catching up on emails and somebody posted this amazingly funny vidoe about sheep on YouTube: com/watch? v=D2FX9rviEhw
Check it out!
kim com/watch? v=D2FX9rviEhw
Check it out!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Kids & Dog = Gray Hair Galore
Kids are home on March break -this means two kids eating food and leaving the leftovers all over the house which is worriesome as Java can and will eat everything. Right now we are on chicken bone watch -they had cold chicken and "forgot" to throw out the bones. So far she seems okay but we're watching closely. How many more days is it till they go back??
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Dreaming of colour -time to fire up the dyepots
Its March Break week up here so that means I have Jared and Lindsay home for the whole week (rubs hands with glee) -child labour LOL.
Yeah sure tell yourself that in between friends calling, the calls of starvation, and of course fights over everything humanly possible.
Still its nice to think the dyepots might get filled, the hand cards will come out and fibre will get blended and rooms (snicker) might get cleaned up.
HUGs all
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Now thats a FULL Bobbin
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Okay now I'm all mushy
I've been in a funk lately with the weather being so bad, things just not working out the way they should have, having your daughter run over your toes with the office chair (she broke two). Well apparently somebody does notice and cares:) This was just delivered to me with a note that says "Just because I love you". These are the exact same colour as our wedding bouquet flowers.
I'm so mush right now. He's such a keeper!
Intersting quiz -kinda fun :)
Two questions :) And here's the results :
Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz ...
You Are a Bette!
You are a Bette -- "I must be strong"
Bettes are direct, self-reliant, self-confident, and protective.
How to Get Along with Me
* * Stand up for yourself... and me.
* * Be confident, strong, and direct.
* * Don't gossip about me or betray my trust.
* * Be vulnerable and share your feelings. See and acknowledge my tender, vulnerable side.
* * Give me space to be alone.
* * Acknowledge the contributions I make, but don't flatter me.
* * I often speak in an assertive way. Don't automatically assume it's a personal attack.
* * When I scream, curse, and stomp around, try to remember that's just the way I am.
What I Like About Being a Bette
* * being independent and self-reliant
* * being able to take charge and meet challenges head on
* * being courageous, straightforward, and honest
* * getting all the enjoyment I can out of life
* * supporting, empowering, and protecting those close to me
* * upholding just causes
What's Hard About Being a Bette
* * overwhelming people with my bluntness; scaring them away when I don't intend to
* * being restless and impatient with others' incompetence
* * sticking my neck out for people and receiving no appreciation for it
* * never forgetting injuries or injustices
* * putting too much pressure on myself
* * getting high blood pressure when people don't obey the rules or when things don't go right
Bettes as Children Often
* * are independent; have an inner strength and a fighting spirit
* * are sometimes loners
* * seize control so they won't be controlled
* * figure out others' weaknesses
* * attack verbally or physically when provoked
* * take charge in the family because they perceive themselves as the strongest, or grow up in difficult or abusive surroundings
Bettes as Parents
* * are often loyal, caring, involved, and devoted
* * are sometimes overprotective
* * can be demanding, controlling, and rigid
Scary thing is I can see most of it LOL.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Back to spinning and yet another fibre delivery :)
Okay I'm back -spinning more of Maggies amazing fibre -I love this colour combination of purples, teals and blues -its done and hanging in the bathroom to dry along with some of Maggies golden rusts that we blended with angelina for a little glittery effect.
Perfect time for yet another fiber delivery :) This one came from Tammy Ward at Kalwa Taure Shetlands. Gorgeous fresh from the mill roving as well as some of Jard's overdyed creations that she has decided to let go of. Jared loves the effect of overdyeing moorit and grey shetland and I do too. Too many people don't realize that natural undercolours can really change and enhance the fiber when dyed!
Weather outside is BLEAH - freezing rain mixed with snow -just enough to ice everything over very slick. Spring come soon!!!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Taking a quick break from spinning but not from fleece
So I have three skeins of yarn completed slated to go into shawl kits -yarn,pattern and needles all packed in cute little felt cloth bags (yes I apparently do have too much time on my hands who knew) and decided to give the wheel the day off. Instead I headed down to the Kingston Guild for open studio and borrowed their Paula Simmons Wool Picker -note to self - bring band-aids next time! and picked through the fleece that is sitting here calling my name :)
Is it not stunning -I'm thinking of spinning it as is and then attempting the Ashford "Iconic New Zealand Jersey" Pattern found in one of the old wheel issues. Here's the link:
HMMMMMMMM what do you think -it LOOks easy enough even for the idiot knitter known as me LOL.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Feeling snappy today

Finally finally got the mortgage information and transfer done. Paperwork augh now I know why I must never work in an office again! Then its off to take care of insurance changeovers and details, Then its booking appointments for kids and hubby.
At last you think you have a moment of peace to sit but nooooooo my sister calls to let me know what is going on in her little world -like I CARE she spent $300 on a bottle of wine last weekend -can you tell me we live in two very different worlds. She feels hard done by as her hubby tells her they can only redo the kitchen and take two weeks vaction to Europe this year instead of the 4 weeks she wanted to. Oh my gosh poor baby.
I do love her -even if she tells you I tried to trade her for a puppy (yes yes I did). In my defense It was MY birthday and my parents told me she was my present and my parents had promised me a puppy so I thought I could exchange her at the pet store for something better. I was three it made perfect sense to me. 20 years later I got the dog -much better as far as I'm concerned. LOL. The dog and I understand each other and can talk meaninfully about real life.
Oh well I'm going into my therapy session now -my spinning wheel, some fantastic CDs and a nice cup of tea with loads of sugar and cream. AHHHHHHHHHHHH.
*The picture is a real turtle take at Peggy's Farm last summer -her dog had dragged her onto the porch and we had to move her VERY carefully -man can those things move fast and reach far! I LOVE turtles.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
First skien of fthe Louet
It spins like a dream -love it love it. And the bigger bobbin size is a godsend. Here is 10 ounces of local shetland -dyed by Jared and 2 play. Perfect size for the first of the shawl kits a good friend suggested I put together :) I have already started the second skien on it -a variegated Maggies Farm Mother Earth Nuno Fiber Grab bag.
So happy with it :)
And best of all I can now put on the headphones and listen to music when the kids are rocking out to Rock BAND on the wII. You have not heard ACéDC till you have heard my kids singing Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap LOL.
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