I was asked to come to the school today for an assembly as they were handing out awards to students. I didn't know that Jared was receiving one for " Student of the Year".
Here's the certificate that the principal read out. If you are not smiling and crying you are stronger than I was.
"Jared Parkinson is consistantly polite, positive and persevering, and his steady disposition is being recognized and celebrated at CBPS.
Every day when he greets the staff and fellow students with a cheery "Good morning _________, How are you? he waits for an answer and sensitively responds accordingly.
He initiates genuine welcome to visitors, new staff, students and parents to the school. He actively participates in all possible volunteer opportunities, especially when helping the less fortunate. If a clasmate seems to be sad or challenged, perceptive Jared is quick and discrete with a gentle word or deed.
Though he loves math and generates detailed explainations of science's mysteries, learning to read has been more challenging for Jared. With his characteristic poliete and possitive approach he'd request assistiance and recieve direction with an eager willingness.
When asked to explain why he has such an agreeable attitdue his response was fast and humble: Easy! Because when I get home from school my family is interested in each other and we play or work together. All that happiness is still in me when I get to school so I just share it That's why!"
Jared generously shares his love of life and learning, helping make wherever he goes a better place to be."
End of speech
Somebody please pass the tissues. I'm so proud and humbled.
HUGS all
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
German Angora Delivery run coming soon
A friend of mine is overrun with purebred German angoras so I'm going to be a Canadian delivery service for her for anybody looking for some new stock.
"This year's breedings were very successful and I was blessed with over 40 pure German kits! Three of the does gave birth to 10 kits each and 3 other's had normal sized litter's of 4. The pairings are from the 2006 import lines and the 2002 import lines bred with the 2006 import lines. Unfortunately, I can't keep all of the kits and most will be available to go to new homes by the end of the Summer."
Asking $200 for does
$175 for bucks
discounts for trios.
Anybody wanting a bunny contact me and I'll add you to the growing list :) Good thing the van holds lots!
"This year's breedings were very successful and I was blessed with over 40 pure German kits! Three of the does gave birth to 10 kits each and 3 other's had normal sized litter's of 4. The pairings are from the 2006 import lines and the 2002 import lines bred with the 2006 import lines. Unfortunately, I can't keep all of the kits and most will be available to go to new homes by the end of the Summer."
Asking $200 for does
$175 for bucks
discounts for trios.
Anybody wanting a bunny contact me and I'll add you to the growing list :) Good thing the van holds lots!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day 2009
Updating the rabbit for sale list :)
It's time before the fall litters start hitting the ground:
Satin Angoras:
Senior Lynx buck - lower sheen than I would like for show but parents are both registered
French Angoras:
Ruby Eyed White doe -has one ear that droops -SOLD
Ruby Eyed White buck
Broken Chestnut Buck
Chocolate Agouti Buck
Ruby eyed white 1/2 French Angora 1/2 Jersey Wooly doe -a mini french angora in looks and coat structure -was given to me by somebody so I'm not sure exactly how old she is -no more than 2 though -SOLD
Also my sister in law has some English angoras if anybody is looking:
English Angora
All bucks all seniors
Tort.Choc. vm
Tort.Lilac vm
Lilac vm
VM means they have a white mark on them caused by the Blue Eyed white genetic so they can carry it! She is asking $50 each for these guys!
Pictures and pedigree information coming soon -need to find the camera LOL
Satin Angoras:
Senior Lynx buck - lower sheen than I would like for show but parents are both registered
French Angoras:
Ruby Eyed White doe -has one ear that droops -SOLD
Ruby Eyed White buck
Broken Chestnut Buck
Chocolate Agouti Buck
Ruby eyed white 1/2 French Angora 1/2 Jersey Wooly doe -a mini french angora in looks and coat structure -was given to me by somebody so I'm not sure exactly how old she is -no more than 2 though -SOLD
Also my sister in law has some English angoras if anybody is looking:
English Angora
All bucks all seniors
Tort.Choc. vm
Tort.Lilac vm
Lilac vm
VM means they have a white mark on them caused by the Blue Eyed white genetic so they can carry it! She is asking $50 each for these guys!
Pictures and pedigree information coming soon -need to find the camera LOL
Friday, May 22, 2009
Why I think my kids are geniuses ;)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thinking outside the box ...or is that inside
Today a HUGE shipment arrived from the mill-I had purchased a large quanity of roving from another sheep breeder this one in Northern Ontario near the Quebec border -she has romney/corriedale and BFL crosses -very very nice! (gasp I know what was I thinking do i not have enough fibre yet) and today it arrived -all soft and fluffy and white except for the skiens of yarn ordered for Jared to dye into multicoloured sock yarn. Of course there was a fight over the big box! And the winner was... Shenaningans who at 14 is still top cat. Nemesis went to sulk and look out the window as if to say "I don't care, have the silly box." Grimjack went to sleep on the bed -he doesn't need a box he has the BED. LOL its his till the little girl sees it and makes off with it. Jared will be too busy dyeing wool frantically for the upcoming Ontario handspinners Conference -I've booked a table so his fans can "Meet the artist".
BTW Maggie he's already counting down the days till summer as he is wanting to go see the really nice farm with Hannah and all the fun things to do :) Lindsay just wanted to know if Luke and the kitties will be there.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
It's baseball season again

It's phone calls and tryouts, uniforms and publicity. Jared is playing for his third year, Lindsay her second. Daryl and I are convening the Mosquito division (meaning we co-ordinate 8 teams and coaches) as well as helping with diamond improvements and publicity. If you can't find me head over to the ball diamonds chances are I'll be there :)
On a person front I had two small lumps removed from my back on Friday -8 stitches later I am very sore. Spinning is out for the time as is any lifting. Odds are they are not malignant but all I can say is check yourself carefully - if marks appear, change colour or spread GET to the doctors!!!!
Happy holidays all -we ar ehaving our first long weekend of summer -complete with torential downpour and thunder and lightning! Perfect for the Kingston Thuders newest mascot STORM!!! Here's our new logo and mascot costume design.
HUGS all
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hard at work in the Garden
Today was so nice and sunny -the perfect day to continue the garden by the "Scamper Tree". We planted strawberry plants there last year that were dug up by a naughty puppy. Well I replanted them today and put doggie be gone repellant around it. Since there is so much space there I also planted some butteryfly attracting plants. Hope it works :)
On a personal front we could use some major good thoughts for Daryl's Dad. They discovered two large tumours in his bowel yesterday. Odds are it is cancer. Please send a good thought or prayer up for him. We need our Poppa here with us!!! Its hard on all of us not knowing any more until the surgery to come.
HUGS all
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Back from the Nationals
What a trip -I swear everytime I go to the US lately there is wild weather LOL. First it was the torential rain of Maryland, yesterday is was the wild and black skies of Canidagiua -we heard a rumour that there was even a small tornado touchdown near us!!! YIKES!
Anyway did very well with the two juniors I took down to show. They are full littermates RM's B.O.B. a junior chocolate buck and RM's Look at Me a surprise as she is a BLUE Cream (pearl). Both placed 3rd in their classes. I heard some awesome comments on both especially the doe -one judge told me her type and body were "awesome" denisty was "very promising" and that she was a keeper or if she was for sale she got first dibs on her :) I even got a picture of the elusive Peggy LOL.
Anyways Happy Mother's Day all -off to brunch with my crew and my mommy too!
Friday, May 08, 2009
Its truly spring!!!!
The sun is shining -the grass needs to be cut and best of all the asparagus is poppin. Yes it is SPRING!!!!! Nothing is better than fresh picked asapargus for supper. MMMMMMMMM.
And to make sure no maurading squirrels attack me as I work in the yard -its Java the super guard dog. Does she not look tough in this picture. She's a big softie though at least we think she is ;)
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Back from Maryland

Oh what a wonderful trip. Drove down Wednesday to Maggie's Farm and got to help with the chores (grin) I loved seeing all the sheep and goats and of course Chris the llama. Doggies too - bribed (I mean made friends) with everybody including Java's sister Tanner. Thursday morning we rolled out Maggie, her friend Carol ( asuper talented knitter) and myself. We also met some many other people along the way including Libby a long distance endurance rider who's cell phone Screams "MOOOOOMMM" when her sons call. Sales were fantastic even though the weather wasn't. I even got to drive the truck and trailer on the way home WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Maggie won Best in Show with her amazing picture -you have to check out her blog to see it!! She also makes the most amazing tote bags, wonderful soap, and of course stunning roving. Maryland is lucky to have her attend.
After a long drive to Maggies with a short pit stop I headed back to Canada and sunshine. Here's a picture of the Strawberry Inn B&B -is this not stunning!!!! I'm so willing to go again :) Can I Maggie huh huh -I'll drive the truck (smiles) and do chores.
HUGS all
off to get ready for Canidaigua on Saturday for the Angora Nationals - my kids don't need me do they?
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