Okay Bags are packed, kids are off to school, critters all have treats -its time to roll out. Be back Monday with new stories to tell, LOTS of fibre (grin) what can I say I'm predictable :)
HUGS all
Be Back Soon
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sooo ready to go away :)

Okay so today was a PA day from school. Oh boy. 2 kids, a three day weekend, three cats fighting for dominance (fortunately its hissing and posturing) and a hyperactive dog with an agenda of her own. Toss in some hydro men who CANNOT read a DO NOT OPEN GATE sign and let the games begin. After some harsh words on their part and some on mine I mean I have TOLD them 50 times please let me know when you are coming and I'll put the dogs inside we're good for the day. Nope. Went out to the barn to feed and water and found a 4 month old French angora doe limp in her cage. Drove her out to Peggy for a necropsy -she had ruptured a valve in her heart causing her lungs to fill up with blood. Darn shame too she was very very nice. Back to the house to find out Jared had invited his "harem" to visit - 5 girls + Jared AUGHHHHHHHHH. Nice girls but all the giggling can drive one nuts. Feeding time of the crew later and look its time for laundry and dishes. I'm so looking forward to going to Maryland. Good friends, lots of gorgeous fibre and no kids LOL. Course I'll drive Maggie and Carol nuts talking about them and missing them like crazy. And Daryl too - I'm glad it'll be so busy ;) Apparently I thrive on Chaos LOL.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Gift Bags anyone???
I love these little bags -we've done fibre grab bags, angora yarn scarves and more in them :) With mothers day coming up they are just begging to be filled for you favorite mom! Best off all they are very easy to make and look great. And hey we all deserve to buy ourselves something nice once in a while - I plan to at Maryland!
On the rabbit front Sassy our broken tort satin angora had her first litter -she tried to eat one of the two babies -he has no ears so we call him "Stubs". We are currently breeding four litters for fall -two satin and two french.
In the house the cats are down to hissing at each other while Java learned the hard way that cats have claws and know how to use them. She's very wary around Nemesis now but they are getting better. Neme (as I call him) has quickly decided that this is the good life. The kids left the back door open last night and there he was sitting at the door looking out as if to say "nope not going out there -been there done that" -bed and food much nicer here.
Life is so good -its warm and sunny today so that means planting pansies :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Do you believe in Fate??
Or in angels who come on four feet instead of two? We do. Last night the universe sent us a new family member. Meet Nemesis (grin) Poor little guy is 8 months old, weighs just over 4lbs and is sooo very friendly! Unless you happen to be Java who is delightly terrifed of him. The kids found him last night trying to get into our garbage can. They came in the house and got Daryl. We spent two hours canvasing the neighbourhood to see if anybody knew him. We also got the vet to check for tattoo number or microchip. Nada nobody says they have seen him before. He got a pass from the vet today -got his first shots, dewormed and earmite treated. In a month he will get boosters, rabies, neutered and microchipped. Who needs riches when you have a sleeping kitty purring on your shoulder.
This morning Jared came and told us he was so happy. We aked him why. His reply "There is one less kitty crying this morning".
HUGS all
Kim and the new and expanded crew
Daryl, Jared, Lindsay
Java, Grimjack, Shenanigans and now Nemesis!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Happy Earth Day -late I know

I know I'm late but we were busy planting trees at the school yesterday and then joined in for the park clean up down the road. Kids were thrilled to help Mother Earth out :)
She's so incredible and we take her for granted I know but still how can you not be in awe and wonder of all the beauty and power around us. We are so small in the grand scheme of things but we can have such a big impact.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The view from my booth
Saturday I headed down to the Port Hope Fibre Gathering -minisucle compared tothe glory that willb e Maryland I'm sure but still almost 200 Canadian spinners, weavers and fibre enthusiast gathered in one place :)
Was a great day seeing everybody after the winter and being with other people that understand when you ask "can I touch your sweater" or "that is gorgeous what is the pattern" LOL.
Didn't get much time to shop -which is just fine according to Daryl LOL. Little does he know how much fibre I can accumulate or how quickly.
HUGS all
in dreary wet Ontario
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Jared -the Big 1-1

Yep its true. my baby turns 11 today. How did that happen. Just yesterday I was overwhelmed by becoming a mom. I thought it would never happen. First because they told me I would never have a baby. Then the little sucker held on 16 days over his due date. Yep 16 days. Then 4 days of labour all of it back labour. And then finally after all the struggle and the pain he arrived. I didn't get to see him arrive but oh boy did I feel it. He was so perfect, so beautiful and so mine. I thought I knew what love was but in that moment of the first face to face meeting my whole world changed and my axis slipped. My Beppe when she first saw him told him with his big strong hands he'd be able to grasp the whole world in his hands -all I know is he sure could hold on to the umbiical cord when he didn't want to come out LOL.
Jared is wonderfully bright, caring and oh so very stubborn when he wants to be. He is an old soul I know this and am overhwelmed by the task I have been given. How do I explain faith to a little man who knows exactly what it is when I daily question my own.
He teaches me lessons daily of faith, perseverence and the kindness that should exist in this world
When we found out we were expecting Lindsay I asked him if he wanted a brother or a sister. He told me a sister. I rold him we would have to see and he looked at me and stated " no mama I asked God for a sister and God always keeps his promises". How can you argue with that logic and faith. .
When Scamper died we planted a tree in her memory -when my mom asked why Jared replied "because Grandma the tree is like Scamper. He body goes into the ground like the roots but her soul soars up towards heaven like the branches of the tree". He is too wise for his years somedays.
and just the other day when all seemed to be going wrong and I felt worthless and alone he came up and sat beside me and held my hand and then gave me a hug and told me I was the best mom in the whole wide world. Whatever I did to deserve such love and trust I'll never know but oh does it make you feel wonderful.
He is my pal and confidant, my snuggler and hug dispenser.
I love him and his sister so very much. Daryl and I are blessed beyond words.
HAPPY Birthday Jared!!!! You are one in a million and you will always be my baby boy!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Bleesed Easter and Happy Spring!!!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
They are real~~
Yes the elusive chinchilla coloured satin angora is real. And there is for now one living at Rocky Meadow Rabbits. PineGlen's Goblin a registered chinchilla satin angora buck came to stay today :) He'll have a fall run with Igloo or Kashmir one of our white satin angora girls come fall. As you can see he's nosy and wants attention not to pose for the camera.
Welcome to the barn Goblin!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Today is my dads birthday. He is an amazing man. He was the first guy I ever fell in love with. Has been my tortmentor and protector, guardian and friend since the moment I was born. He will tease you and torment you but you know he loves you very very much. Its just his way.
He was one of the only things I would not budge on my wedding dad -my dad was going to walk me down the isle and that was it -to hold my hand until he could let go (grudgingly) to the man of my dreams. It was funny at the reheasal my dad was more than willing to sell me to Daryl (a very funny story) but the day of he told me I didnt have to go and every step we took down that isle his grip got tighter and tighter. The day after when we went to leave my parents home he told me that tonight his house would be a little more empty as I was flying away and that he loved me and was proud of me. I cried the whole way to the apartment -my father had never said with words that he loved me or was proud of me before that day. I trasure those words always.
My mother teased me on my wedding day that I was marrying my dad. At the time I said now way -uh uh. But then I thought about it long and hard.
My dad is loving and dependable, the kind of guy who gives his word and means it. Somebody to laugh with, have fun with but when the chips are down he will be there for you strong and wise. My dad is somebody I respect and know that I will be respected and loved always. My dad and mom will be married 45 years this coming August the fates willing -I wanted that kind of love and devotion. My dad has been best friends and buddy to 4 kids and now 9 grandkids. Nobody knows how to spoil kids like Grandpa Rex. I wanted the best! So yes I married a man just like my dad. And I am proud of it.
So happy Birthday to my Dad. May your life be fun of all the things that make you happy. We love you always Grandpa Rex.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Overdyeing over brown and Grey
Love it love it love it!!! My dyewizard has been very busy producing more of his one of a kind roving for his mom to drool over :)
Here it is drying on the rack. Can you tell he loves his colours.
And speaking of colours check out the beauty of this natural shetland roving - I had decided to blend the light and dark shetland together against the wishes of the mill owner who thought it would look "crappy" but am I ever glad I went with my first thought -I love this natural tweedy effect -I'm going to spin up 4 ounces right away to be made in to socks for Peggy -everybody needs a Peggy but you cannot have mine!!!
She is my barn manager, friend, confidant and surrogate mother :) She however own't let me take a picture of her to put on the blog LOL.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Todays fun activity -Sheep Delivery
A good friend of mine Jane needed a new home for her Icelandic ewe *Kaci* and my sister in law Cheryl agreed to take her so today Daryl and i were sheep wranglers. Well actually Daryl was -he`s so darn good at these things :) Taking one look at her her said `no problems she has handles` and grabbed her by the back end and a horn and off he went with her into the dog crate easy as pie. Kaci on the other hand is now terrified of the sight of him -she KNOWS he`s the boss.
Kaci is now settling in with Cheryls other five ewes and Norton the ram is excited at the new thought of another girl in his harem.
the back of my van has been cleaned out and we are now ready to resume our natural rabbit hauling lives LOL.
Kaci is now settling in with Cheryls other five ewes and Norton the ram is excited at the new thought of another girl in his harem.
the back of my van has been cleaned out and we are now ready to resume our natural rabbit hauling lives LOL.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Great find at the local furniture store
HH's Hastings
Meet the new stud of the barn -Hastings. He is either a really rufus factored chocolate agouti or a copper french angora -I want to say copper -it just sounds so yumy!!
And he is a gorgeous fellow -here he is besides RM's Deja Vu a registered chestnut doe for color comparion. And here is a close up of his amazing ring defintion -cannot wait to spin this up!!! Yumm-o!
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