Love is simple, Love is complex, Love is easy and Love is Hard. Love is holding hands for the first time, first kiss, saying goodbye, finding somebody to spend the rest of your life with. Love is anticipation and excitement, love is holding your baby for the first time, love is holding someones hand and saying goodbye forever. Love is ever changing and growing, it never stops changing and evolving.
Today Jared asked me if I loved him the same as I did when he was first born. I replied of course not. It grows with every breath you take I told him, with every new thing you learn, it grows stronger and deeper as life throws obstacles at you.
I told him the day he was born I loved him, with all the wonder of a new mother, I loved him even when he tested me and still tests me, I loved him for growing and changing and I will always love him even when he makes mistakes. I told him its the same way with his dad and his sister. Love changes it is never the same as it was yesterday but it is always there. Love always remains no matter what. So on this day of Love and friendship I say this to all of you:
LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Bright days and Blessings upon you!