Busy trying to get a supply of handspun yarn done for the upcoming shows -we have the Picton Show on July 30th and then the three day Kingston sheep dog trials in August.
Be nice to go out for a day without the kids -love them to death but would like to be able to turn around with out one of them needing to be fed.
Isn't it amazing how often they need to be fed??? And how they always leave some food on the plate or juice in the cup?? Last night Luke told his father he didn't get any dinner!! When I asked him why didn't you tell him about the chicken and rice Luke said, I forgot!
Picton July 30???
for what????
do tell ...
There is the Womens Institute Craft show and sale that day at the fairgrounds :) i'll have a booth ther with nadspun yarn, items and some fibrey supplies for those do-it your-selfers :)
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