Monday, November 11, 2013
Sunday, November 03, 2013
A VERY interesting link for those of us who love textiles
Very facinating especially as it is all about textiles in the Viking times :)
Very facinating especially as it is all about textiles in the Viking times :)
Friday, October 25, 2013
Rhinebeck 2013
For others its about the glitz and the glamour -for me its all about wool. Real wool from real sheep.
Not man made fibers or fancy glitzy crap yarn. REAL WOOL -the best stuff ever. From happy healthy sheep from shepherds who care about their critters.
Superstars of the show!
Not man made fibers or fancy glitzy crap yarn. REAL WOOL -the best stuff ever. From happy healthy sheep from shepherds who care about their critters.
Superstars of the show!
Sunday, October 06, 2013
You know you can just buy yarn......
It always amuses me when I am spinning somewhere and a person will look at me and say "you know you can buy yarn at Walmart for a lot less".
Yes I am aware of that I reply with a smile "you know you can eat at Mcdonald's too but I's much prefer real food cooked at home. They look puzzled at this so I explain both are "food" one is cheap unhealthy crap made gosh knows where the other in my household is a thought out meal made with real food purchased from farmers and the local butcher.
Real yarn -made from real fibres (not man made nightmares like acrylic) are so tactile they cannot be commercially mass made. Real fibres from farmers who raise their animals in humane and loving ways carry through adding life and vibrancy to the finished yarn. You can absolutely feel the difference between "live" wool harvested from a healthy vibrant animal from "dead" wool -wool that is removed after an animal has died. Most commercial wool yarn is from harvested dead wool. Sad but true.
Yes I am aware of that I reply with a smile "you know you can eat at Mcdonald's too but I's much prefer real food cooked at home. They look puzzled at this so I explain both are "food" one is cheap unhealthy crap made gosh knows where the other in my household is a thought out meal made with real food purchased from farmers and the local butcher.
Real yarn -made from real fibres (not man made nightmares like acrylic) are so tactile they cannot be commercially mass made. Real fibres from farmers who raise their animals in humane and loving ways carry through adding life and vibrancy to the finished yarn. You can absolutely feel the difference between "live" wool harvested from a healthy vibrant animal from "dead" wool -wool that is removed after an animal has died. Most commercial wool yarn is from harvested dead wool. Sad but true.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Finding the goddess within
A friend of mine makes these incredible spindles known as phangs. She created a series of Goddess ones and here is mine. She is made from Birch and is Saule.
In Baltic
myth, Saule is the life-affirming sun goddess, whose numinous
presence is signed by a wheel or a rosette. She spins the sunbeams. The Baltic
connection between the sun and spinning is as old as spindles of the
sun-stone-amber, that have been uncovered in burial mounds.
Saulė is
one of the most powerful deities, the goddess of life and fertility, warmth and
health. She is patroness of the unfortunate.
She is going to be treasured for years to come. I LOVE spindle spinning -I entered 4 skeins at Fingerlakes sheep and wool festival and won! Best Spinde Spun Skein, Best of the Blues (which comes with a GC from Spinners Hill (Lisa's mom makes the nicest batts for her so I know what I'm getting!!!!) 2 -2nd places and a third place ribbon as well. Very thrilling for this spinner!!!!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
You know you're my hero don't you?
You were always who I wanted to be when I grew up. Smart, strong, opinionated and always and ever a lady. You were one of the most wonderful people in my life and I was so in awe of you.
You were always warm and giving, no matter what was going on. Your survived an abusive parent, defying all to marry the man of your dreams. You raised three children -losing so many I don't even know how you bore it all, survived war -helping to hide others from Nazi oppression, imigrated at the age 43 to a country you couldn't speak the language to keep your family together, worked so hard to struggle to get by, lost your husband and carried on for 30+ years alone.
I was so proud you were always there for me -through good and bad -helping em become who I am today. I wanted my daughter to have something from you so I gave her your name.
Today would have been your birthday - I love you and think of you often.
You were always warm and giving, no matter what was going on. Your survived an abusive parent, defying all to marry the man of your dreams. You raised three children -losing so many I don't even know how you bore it all, survived war -helping to hide others from Nazi oppression, imigrated at the age 43 to a country you couldn't speak the language to keep your family together, worked so hard to struggle to get by, lost your husband and carried on for 30+ years alone.
I was so proud you were always there for me -through good and bad -helping em become who I am today. I wanted my daughter to have something from you so I gave her your name.
Today would have been your birthday - I love you and think of you often.
Sunday, September 01, 2013
Spiralling into Fall
Seems only a blink ago that summer was starting. now within days it will be back to school and the fall Air Cadets will begin. Best of all fall fibre events where colour and textures meet and dance again.
Can't wait!!
Can't wait!!
Monday, August 26, 2013
Surprise Babies!!!
My old satin angora doe Sarai who is turning 8 years old this fall decided she wanted to be mommy one last time. She busted out the young stud beside her and had one last wild fling. Here's the results :)
The older American chinchilla litter is quite interested in the noises in the barn.
Monday, August 12, 2013
2013 Sheep Dog Trials
The artwork presented to the winning team - the artist uses the dog that won the last trials as the model for the T-shirt design :)
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
48 years and still going strong
Today my parents celebrate 48 years of marriage. 4 kids and 9 grand kids later this makes for a loud and happy day. They still walk together hand in hand and still kiss each other goodnight.
Love you both today and always!!!
No question as to which parent I look like ;)
Love you both today and always!!!
No question as to which parent I look like ;)
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
My bad boys
They look so sweet and innocent but lurking are two tornadoes of kitty destruction LOL 3 year old brown tabby Nemesis and his new fur brother 2 year old Bogie keep the house rocking. I love my bad boys though and they get lots of loving and milk (Bogie loves milk).
They also love raw wool which in this house is plentiful! And yarn we will not discuss what they can do to a skein of yarn~
They also love raw wool which in this house is plentiful! And yarn we will not discuss what they can do to a skein of yarn~
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Dragonflies and Fireflies
Yesterday it was the 15th anniversary of my grandmother's passing. I thought about her all day -funny how time does not make us forget those who were so special. All day long dragonflies were everywhere - live ones beautiful and luminous, colourful ones on peoples shirts and jewellry.
Then last night as I went on the front porch to have a quiet time in the dark there they were. fireflies!!! Magical and so beautiful dancing on my front yard. We have never had them before - I'm sure it was a sign of souls that have left us -letting us know they are still with us.
Thank you universe - you made my day!
Thank you universe - you made my day!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Filling the wool basket
With my somewhat willing helper Lindsay (she's still debating as to the joy of spinning) we have been filling the wool basket up -she loves helping me pick out colours and will help treadle the wheel -the hands part is still out for debate -most times that's mom's job, but that's okay -just having he sit with me is lovely enough.
Here's all the part bobbins plyed off, three smaller skeins of pure angora and some large skeins of beautiful Mother Fiber all ready to go.
Here's all the part bobbins plyed off, three smaller skeins of pure angora and some large skeins of beautiful Mother Fiber all ready to go.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Wool days
In between working I am washing fleeces -don;t ask what the bathtub looks like LOL and drying it outsdie. Plan was to get a carder and card it all out as my sister in laws mill is still out of commission. But as fast as I wash it and put it outside to dry it gets soaked again by the rain. Good thing I like the smell of wet or dry wool :)
Jared is starting his summer job soon through a job program here -6 weeks full time to get experience -he finds out today where he will be posted -told him he could come work with me but that didn't fly.
Lindsay is happily crafting up a storm and enjoying lazy movie days on the couch with her doggies.
She has also taken up dyeing wool for her mommy!! LOVE IT!
Jared is starting his summer job soon through a job program here -6 weeks full time to get experience -he finds out today where he will be posted -told him he could come work with me but that didn't fly.
Lindsay is happily crafting up a storm and enjoying lazy movie days on the couch with her doggies.
She has also taken up dyeing wool for her mommy!! LOVE IT!
And on the note of dyeing I will be teaching a dyeing workshop for the MacPherson House in Napanee next Friday July 12th!~ It will be with kids which I love doing - we'll be exploring natural dyes with onion skins and beets and then modern tie dyeing in the afternoon !
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
My grad
No not me literally -my baby boy who just graduated Grade 8. He told me I wasn't allowed to cry, so I didn't. At least not there in front of him. Just like his first day of school I bravely smiled and waved and watched. And then went off by myself to have a little tear session. He's ready -head held high, striding confidently onto his next step in his life's journey. I'm so proud of him.
So classy a bow tie and Harris Tweed -does my boy know how to make an appearance or what? Nest stop high school after a summer of work. He got himself a full time summer job!!!!!
So classy a bow tie and Harris Tweed -does my boy know how to make an appearance or what? Nest stop high school after a summer of work. He got himself a full time summer job!!!!!
Friday, June 21, 2013
One down one to go.......
Love the design -good thing as I have to knit a second one LOL But if there is enough wool I think I will also knit a hat to match them :)
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Turtle Power :)
I love turtles -they are so beautiful and serene. Today Lindsay spotted this fellow out on the sidewalk by the bus stop way too close to the road -we carried him back to the creek where he happily swam off :) He was not very happy with the method of delivery but Lindsay was adamant we were not to touch him!
Anybody know what kind of turtle he is?
Anybody know what kind of turtle he is?
New Spindle
This is a Bristlecone Glindle -it is probably one of the most beautiful supported spindles I have ever seen. And boy can it spin - now I need to figure out how to keep up with it!
Can you imagine the hours of work that went into this one of a kind art? Its hand done glass and hand turned wood.
Can you imagine the hours of work that went into this one of a kind art? Its hand done glass and hand turned wood.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Fiber fair = more stash!
You all know what happens when we go to fiber festivals -we come home with more stash - admit it!
In my case besides some other lovely goodies these wonderful fleeces happened to follow me home:
Black Merino from Jim Baldwin -Maggies amazing shearer -the crimp is incredible in this fleece.
And two garbage bags full of lovely grey and white shetland fleece -yummy and very soft!
In my case besides some other lovely goodies these wonderful fleeces happened to follow me home:
Black Merino from Jim Baldwin -Maggies amazing shearer -the crimp is incredible in this fleece.
And two garbage bags full of lovely grey and white shetland fleece -yummy and very soft!
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
My clever crafty daughter
We bought a little craft kit at the dollar store with some cheap felt balls and wooden beads. Lindsay took one look at it and told me she wanted to make her own felt beads. Using the method we perfected to make felted cat toys we made all kids of smaller ones and bought some beads at the local craft store. Viola!
Bling by Lindsay!!
Bling by Lindsay!!
Saturday, June 01, 2013
Beuaty in unxepected places
Had to make a pit stop today to pick up supplies for the Air Cadets practice today - went to the big grocery supply store outside of Kingston - industrial area and big grey building -as I was leaving I stopped to tie my shoelaces and there they were.
I don't know what kind of moths they are -but they are stunning. I wonder how many people will walk by the big red pillar and not even see them there. All I know is I was glad for the moment to see such natural beauty and peaceful creatures.
I don't know what kind of moths they are -but they are stunning. I wonder how many people will walk by the big red pillar and not even see them there. All I know is I was glad for the moment to see such natural beauty and peaceful creatures.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
No Im not a Hooker
LOL I am spinster though ;) And in the case of the Ontario Rug hookers conference here in Kingston this weekend these ladies sure know how to make hookers look good :)
My mom and dad stropped by and my dad commented to Daryl -Never thought I would see you in a room of hookers LOL
My mom and dad stropped by and my dad commented to Daryl -Never thought I would see you in a room of hookers LOL
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
M is for....
Magnificent Merino :) Springy and buttery soft. Lovely colours dyed by Maggie from her shearer Jim Baldwin's merino flock. 10 ounces - 280 yards spun up.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Signs of spring
Finally blogger has decided I am who I thought I was and is allowing me access back on the blog.
Spring has been so hit or miss here -sunny and warm one day, snow and hail the next. I went looking and found some signs of spring:
Asparagus fresh from the patch.
Dragonflies in the wild violets in the backyard - its too cold for the real dragonflies but Maggie's amazing BFL roving Dragonflies is a great stand-in there is 280 yards here -approx 8 ounces -have to weigh it to be sure :) 2 ply and so soft and the colours are stunning!
Scamper's tree - a dwarf cherry tree -in full bloom -please no more frost -I'd really like some cherries from it!
Spring has been so hit or miss here -sunny and warm one day, snow and hail the next. I went looking and found some signs of spring:
Asparagus fresh from the patch.
Dragonflies in the wild violets in the backyard - its too cold for the real dragonflies but Maggie's amazing BFL roving Dragonflies is a great stand-in there is 280 yards here -approx 8 ounces -have to weigh it to be sure :) 2 ply and so soft and the colours are stunning!
Scamper's tree - a dwarf cherry tree -in full bloom -please no more frost -I'd really like some cherries from it!
Happy Spring All!!!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Port Hope Gathering 2013
First show of the season up here - much hugging and greetings after the winter of friends from far and near. Had a wonderful day with Peggy hanging out in the booth. Very good reception of buttons and other goodies. Came home with some lovely smokey maple syrup -cooked over open flame and wood burned kettle -yummy.
Also came home with the wheel that will evetnually make its way to a Ravelry friend I made two years ago -this is the second wheel relay between myself, Jody and Vicki in Texas :)
Here's the first pic of the second wheel delivery :)
Also came home with the wheel that will evetnually make its way to a Ravelry friend I made two years ago -this is the second wheel relay between myself, Jody and Vicki in Texas :)
Here's the first pic of the second wheel delivery :)
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Getting geared up for Maryland
So when I'm down I like to work on stuff -lots of stuff apparently - yarn bin is almost full of lovely handspun yarn including some angora -yummy! Made more drop spindle kits and needlefelting punches and now have started button production with some wonderful horns from Zoar Farms which is run in Otego NY by Mother Katherine and her sisters at the Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery -
Here's some button pictures to show you how marvelous these horns are!
Here's some button pictures to show you how marvelous these horns are!
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