We'll I've been busy -spinning and knitting and here's some finished work :)
First up the yarns:
Chaos Yarn -fiber provided by Bundaflicka Farms - in a word WONDERFUL - soft soft soft and the colours are amazing. Maggie Blends angora, mohair, llama and Blue faced leicester all from her own animals and it is beautiful. Her website can be found at:
Locks of Love -black Shetland from Kalwa Taure shetands blended with dyed mohair locks from the stash pile dyed by the dye wizard himself Jared. Tammy raises some beautiful shetlands here in Ontario - Ilove her fiber for my drop spindle classes -soft and lofty and so easy to spin! Tammy's website is:http://www.acornrack.com/KalwaTaureShetlands/Products.php
Angora and Silk Sundae - angora from our own flock, blended with silk -mmmm silk and a hint of wool and then pastel dyed -the glow is amazing!
All the angoras got a haircut early this year and there is lots of raw fiber here if anybody is looking!
Wow, you are some kind of spinner/knitter. You make my fiber look great! And if there is anything you want, I'll trade it for some black/grey prime angora! Your bunny hair is the best!
Wow, you are some kind of spinner/knitter. You make my fiber look great! And if there is anything you want, I'll trade it for some black/grey prime angora! Your bunny hair is the best!
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