I know I know bad blogger not updating her posts. I'll sing the "I'm sorry song" for you if you like. I've been very busy trying and sucessfully figuring out how I knit the "Maggie Shawl" -posted on Maggies blog -http://www.bundaflicka.blogspot.com/ -Its 8 ounces of her gorgeous Mother Fiber -Nuno/Needle Felting Kits. Her roving is stunning!
Today and tomrrow I'm helping out at the guild show and sale -sold one skein of angora yarn today :) And of course tonight is the big candy haul for two excited kids -I'll be sure to post pictures of them in costume. Java is terrified of the pumpkin -she is sure its going to eat her LOL.
Other than that its same old same old for me. Went to a job interview on Tuesday -would really like this job -9-5 monday to friday working for a custom embroidery company -nice people. Daryl is loving his new job -yes hes back at what he does best fixing cars -no overhead work here though and no electrical dyagnositc which he hates.