Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oh no not the fleece.........

Well superior blond moment occurring here. SOMEBODY thought to soak a fleece in the washing maching and then that certain somebody thought it was laundry and ran it though the machine and if that wasn't bad enough when that SOMEBODY relized what she had done she hauled the whole wet thing outside -right into the waiting jaws of the monster baby AKA "Java". Wet stinky fleece =one happy dog rolling all over it!LOL well at least I think I saved part of it. But somebody is waiting for it to come back on the back porch. UH UH.....
In other news we have baseball photos tonight for both kids -they are loving the summertime play -swimming, climbing, and just beign kids. Our latest adventure is with two HUGE boxes in the basement -best toys ever made!
Daryl has a meeting with disability on Thursday =pray that he'll be to go back to school to retrain in a new field. He can no longer work over his head so mechanical work is very very difficult.
Bunnies are hard at work -three litters due this month and we have some darling little satin angoras and rhinelanders bopping around and having fun.

1 comment:

Maggie's Farm said...

Heh, heh, heh. I know the feeling! It's so easy to ruin...and after raising the animal for a year and meticulously shearing it and picking it, it hurts even more! Here's hoping Darryl finds something suitable. It took Matt six months but the search was worth it.