Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Beppe~

I know my Beppe has been gone for 9 years now-but today would have been her birthday. We're almost birthday twins so we often celebrated our special days together. A piece of cake, a smile and special words that only we shared. Today I'll go visit her grave I'll leave no flowers there-I always told her I would give them to her while she was with me -I wouldn't leave them on the grave and so I will. I'll have a little cry -as it still hurts to know the empty spot that is here. We never forget the ones we truly loved and we always remember them but I'll smile too as I remember all the good times we shared. I only hope as I grow up I can be even a fraction of the woamn she was -strong, reolute in her faith and her life, caring beyond measure and above all loved.

Gelukkige Verjaardag Beppe - ik mis u, houd altijd van u en schat ons geheugen. Tot wij weach andere opnieuw zien.

1 comment:

Maggie's Farm said...

You are SO much like your Beppe!! And I am happy to call you my friend! Be assured, you and your Beppe will be together again someday!