Saturday, February 23, 2013

Funny what becomes a treasure

Isn't it funny how sometimes the simpliest items become a treasure.  Today when getting ready for work I came across one of my grandfathers old hankerchiefs.  The sight of it flooded my mind with memories - of him walking in the garden and wiping his sweat, his holding it so a tear could be wiped from a wounded child with a scrapped knee, of his blowing his nose so hard we laughed at the sound.  Its not just a piece of cloth its memories.
I folded it up and put it back in the drawer to be savored and held onto.
Other small things are treasures too that only make sense to me - an ashtray I made my mom years ago in grade school, a rock Lindsay brought me when we went to the beach, the very first little diaper left from the package when Jared came home -how I laugh when I see it and think he was once that small.
What are your special treasures?

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