Of simple things that are so beautiful in their creation. Today some nice people came to remove the VERY Large wasp nest from our front tree. What a work of art this thing is -the colours and design stun me. The nest itself is 18 inches long by 3.5 feet in diameter. How can something so small and fragile as a wasp create such a monument. How can something so fragile withstand wind and rain perched on one thin branch. the colours swirl on it like luminsecent glows -all made from chewed wood and the wasps own saliva. I could create something so beautiful if I tried.
I am humbled by it!
I would put it on my mantle as an ornament of some sort - it's too amazing to throw away! Maybe put a light inside and make a lamp out of it?
The fellow who took it down is taking it to his museum -he collects them and has them all on display with information about what type of wasp created it -we're taking the kids down to see all of them :)
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