We've been busy here both at the house and on the road. Sunday I went down to the Jefferson Sheep and Wool Festival in NY at the stone mills ag museum -beautiful location to see but not much in sales I'm afraid. The cost of gas is so crippling.
Monday I took part in my guilds spinning and weaving demos at First Capital Days at Market Square. Kingston was the first offical capital of Canada until it was moved to Ottawa. Lots of demos and the Fort Henry Guard were out in their stunning red tunics "recruiting" the kids into Her Majesty's Army LOL.
Here's me in my costume with Doreen Jeffers a fabulous spiner and wonderful guild instructor. Doreen is loads of fun to be with all day!
This Saturday I'm off to the annual Distaff Day celebrations in Almonte.
On top of that we have ball 4 nights a week -Jared plays two nights and practices one. Lindsay plays one night. Can we say busy????
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