Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Finding the goddess within

A friend of mine makes these incredible spindles known as phangs. She created a series of Goddess ones and here is mine. She is made from Birch and is Saule.
In Baltic myth, Saule is the life-affirming sun goddess, whose numinous presence is signed by a wheel or a rosette. She spins the sunbeams. The Baltic connection between the sun and spinning is as old as spindles of the sun-stone-amber, that have been uncovered in burial mounds.
Saulė is one of the most powerful deities, the goddess of life and fertility, warmth and health. She is patroness of the unfortunate.


She is going to be treasured for years to come.  I LOVE spindle spinning -I entered 4 skeins at Fingerlakes sheep and wool festival and won! Best Spinde Spun Skein, Best of the Blues (which comes with a GC from Spinners Hill (Lisa's mom makes the nicest batts for her so I know what I'm getting!!!!) 2 -2nd places and a third place ribbon as well. Very thrilling for this spinner!!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

You know you're my hero don't you?

You were always who I wanted to be when I grew up. Smart, strong, opinionated and always and ever a lady.  You were one of the most wonderful people in my life and I was so in awe of you.
You were always warm and giving, no matter what was going on. Your survived an abusive parent, defying all to marry the man of your dreams. You raised three children -losing so many I don't even know how you bore it all, survived war -helping to hide others from Nazi oppression, imigrated at the age 43 to a country you couldn't speak the language to keep your family together, worked so hard to struggle to get by, lost your husband and carried on for 30+ years alone.
I was so proud you were always there for me -through good and bad -helping em become who I am today.  I wanted my daughter to have something from you so I gave her your name.
Today would have been your birthday - I love you and think of you often.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Spiralling into Fall

Seems only a blink ago that summer was starting. now within days it will be back to school and the fall Air Cadets will begin. Best of all fall fibre events where colour and textures meet and dance again.
Can't wait!!