Friday, August 06, 2010

Family -all because two people fell in love

 August 7th 1965 - two young people set out on the adventure of a lifetime. A handsome young man took his beautiful bride and promised her love undying and unending. Flash forward to August 7th 2010 -45 years later. The dashing man now greyer and still handsome still cherishes and loves his beautiful bride.  My parents celebrate today with family and friends their anniversary. I look to them as models of what marriage should be .. faith, love and never ending suppport no matter what.  Love you always mom and dad!! And no comments about which parent I look like LOL there is nooooo doubt ;)
Happy Anniversay!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Henya said...

Congratulations! Is it not wonderful how the older we get the younger our parents become?