Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rabbits, Fibre and the Dyewizard Himself

Busy weekend :) Rabbit show in Spencerville on Saturday -of course no rabbits in full show coat ready to go. Got 2nd place with my just turned senior French doe -both judges LOVED her body type and structure she just needs more guard hair to finish out her texture. Luckily had three rabbits able to get registered to boost the fall breeding lines.
Sunday we went to the Wilton road mill open house - nice day thank god for no rain -cause it looked like it would! And fibre and rain is not a good combination. The dyewizard himself Jared took the day out to attend with me :) He was thrilled to meet so many of his "fans" and was an instant convert to the lamb chili -he had 6 bowls!!! Can this kid eat or what. And he's so darn handsome and polite and cute -he made lots of new friends. But remember ladies he's mine at least for another 7 years!

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