Well after a fabulous spring and summer there are few bunnies left for sale here at Rocky Meadow Rabbits. We have one satin angora buck -tort, one Jersey Wooly (registered smoke pearl), one German Hybrid (broken Black) and 4 French angoras left to sell - 2 sable bucks, chocolate agouti buck and a really smart broken sable doe who might still stay. Here's some pics of the available bunnies.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Bunnies for Sale
Well after a fabulous spring and summer there are few bunnies left for sale here at Rocky Meadow Rabbits. We have one satin angora buck -tort, one Jersey Wooly (registered smoke pearl), one German Hybrid (broken Black) and 4 French angoras left to sell - 2 sable bucks, chocolate agouti buck and a really smart broken sable doe who might still stay. Here's some pics of the available bunnies.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Getting ready for the fall shows
We've been busy here trying to get ready for fall shows -not very sucessfully mind you. Today I finally finished my first hat/scarf set of 100% pure angora -handdyed, spun and knit. Lindsay was my reluctant model - I mean how rough is it to stand and look cute :)
I hope to make a few more and some of my long scarves -mine gets rave reviews everytime I wear it!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Time and Friday
Here's new bunny number one Fuzzies Timely Manner AKA Time a stunning smoke pearl doe from Sue Needles along with her soon to be boyfriend RM's Friday the 13th a rich and deep sable buck. Both will be shown this fall as juniors and then clipped down to get ready for the 2009 Angora Nationals ~~Here's two promising and amazing French Angoras we're proudly housing and breeding at Rocky Meadow Rabbits.
We also aquired Fuzzies Class Act -an amazing junior REW Doe and Fuzzies BCB a really nice blue pointed white buck.
Back from the Dog Trials
We're back after the fun and the rain (laugh). What a action packed three days -busy too. We cheered not only the dogs on but the 4 sheep to shawl teams as well. We bid (unsucessfully) on the shawls -the highest one sold for $225 I believe. Kingston my hometown girls placed second!!! They had an amazing desing with green and dark natural fleece -very striking. All the teams seemed very happy to spend the GCs we had donated for prizes. Its always fun to have 25 spinners and weavers at your booth at one time :) Of couse Jared's dyed items were hotly contested and fought over.
The Kingston Handloom Weavers and Spinners also ran demos all weekend long -here's Mary teaching tow young men the joy of spinning. They were very enthusiastic to learn all about it! Drop spindle kits were a huge seller this weekend and I gave lessons to get them started all weekend long.
The trials themselves were won by Amanda Milliken (fom Kingston) and her incredible dog Ethel. it had to be a run worthy of a film. They have to gather 10 sheep run the course then gather 10 more to finish the fist part. They then have to seperate 5 sheep with collars and send the rest over the hill. You then finish by penning your 5 collared sheep. Well did we ever get a show!! Amanda and Ethel had sucessfully shed off 14 of the sheep needed with one rebel left. This sheep left the group and returned twice before they sent her off. We thought she was done but oh no down the hill she trucked -JUMPING over Ethel who rightly hit the ground. The sheep then attempted to kick her with a rodeo horse worth kick. Amanda yelled at Ethel who got up off the ground looked at the sheep and then at her as if to say "can you see what I am dealing with here." Amanda stopped yelled "sorry" and away they went again to get one of the few pens of the day! Ehtel is coming on 10 and I know without a doubt that girl could do the whole run herself but its still wonderful to see true partners on the field.
I love going to Grass Creek -its so wodnerful to be a part of it all -but its nice to come home too. Today I'm off to get three new French angoras -and I remembered to charge the camera so new pictures of them will be up shortly!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Let the Sheep Dog Trials begin!

They're off and running and so are we. The 20th annual Kingston Sheep Dog trials start for us tomorrow. There are over 120 dogs running in this finishing off in the
exciting and thrilling double lift championship on Sunday. The dogs started their runs on Wednesday -crappy weather for them -poor things and mean mean nasty sheep. The sheep are run wild on Waupoos Island and never see a dog till the trials -they rerally make the dog and handler work. We'll be there Friday through Sunday manning the booth, fighting over who gets to watch the dogs (laugh) and cheering on the 4 teams at the sheep to shawl cometition on Saturday. More pictures to follow as events unfold. I love watching the dogs run -makes me miss Scamper -not that she would ever deign to herd sheep -she was above all that :)
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