You wonder how I could ever be bored with two kids, long suffering hubby (or so he'll tell you) 40+ rabbits, the neurotic spoiled border collie (who is currently sleeping on the couch) and 2 BIG cats but hey it does happen once in a blue moon. So in a fit of organization I cleaned out my fiber stash and spun and knit this shawl. Its three ply spun -one ply commercial spun mohair that was dyed in floursecent colours, one ply grey alpaca and the rest a lovely heathery grey shetland roving I had made up from Tammy Wards amazing sheep and processed at Wilton Fiber Mill. Knitting is simple garter stitch with a bit of lace stitchery and then fringed. It really turned out GREAT! Of course once it was finished I immediately felt the need to go purchase more fiber
but luckily the Kingston Sheep Dog Trials are on this weekend and I'll be there spinning -hmmmm wonder what the sheep shearer will have this year for fleeces :)